Please let us know the date by when your order needs to be completed.

If you have a promotion code, type it here


Please fill fields for calculating pricing.

Type your word count manually *
Your File Content

Please contact us at info@besteditproofcom for more than 20.000 words and more than 15 days.

Page Tips

  • You must fill in Type of Services, Delivery Time and only one of Type your word count manually or Your File Content fields to see the order price.
  • If you have a promotion code, you can enter your code in the promotion code field to take advantage of the discount.
  • If you know the number of words in your file, enter it in the Type your word count manually field otherwise go to your file and select(ctrl+A) and copy(ctrl+C) all the text in your file, then paste(ctrl+P) it in the Your File Content field.
  • How many words will appear in Type your word count manually field automatically in your file.
  • Use either Type your word count manually field or Your File Content field.
  • Click the “Next" button to enter information about the project.