This article will give you a couple of simple proofreading tips to improve your academic writing, such as your dissertation, thesis, or college essays. First, you should know that proofreading is a task that is different from editing. Although they share some of the same skills, these tasks are not synonymous with each other.
This article gives you a couple of simple proofreading tips to improve your academic writing, i.e. your dissertation, thesis, or college essays. First, you should know that proofreading is a task that is different from editing. Although they share some of the same skills, these tasks are not considered synonymous with each other. The verification benefits of a reliable editing process exceed the framework of the traditional definition of proofreading. Because, on the one hand, proofreading is not creative; neither is it intended to be. It is only about checking punctuation, spelling, missing details, and so on.
The text is already created and set, and proofreading comes along to catch any superficial errors that may have been overlooked. On the other hand, editing involves the process of substituting vocabulary, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms, whole texts, recasting sentences, paraphrasing, and in the end, sometimes a new text is created without even changing the originally intended idea of the author! That is the art of editing. The editor’s purpose is creative. With proofreading, this is not achievable. In short, proofreading is not intended to be creative at al.
Here is an analogy: An architect (like the editor) can take an old house and refurbish it by removing walls and replacing them with new materials, adding rooms, removing floors, setting up new flower gardens, and in the end, it is a newly created house with the same foundation. Then, the housing inspector (the proofreader) from the government comes along to make sure that everything is properly in place, especially details for safety precautions; he/she does not come to create anything. The proofreader’s purpose is not creative.
Whether you are writing a manuscript for a peer-reviewed journal, a graduate paper, a dissertation, a thesis, an essay, or an official email to a company, it is essential to get your work error-free. A spell checker or a Google tool might help improve the text, but it is far from the proofreading that you need. Here, proofreading gains importance.
The following nine best proofreading tips will make your papers shine.
Marking mistakes is the first step of the best proofreading. If it is going to be your first step, then it is essential to concentrate on this proofreading tip. Forget distractors: mobile gadgets, TV, the Internet, etc.
Pick one common error at a time and fix it first. This gives you the idea that it is easier for the brain to focus on one specific issue at a time, and you are less likely to miss any mistake.
Perhaps you could begin with the format of the document as the starting point of proofreading. Check that it is in line with the requirements.
'‘Homonyms are one of a group of words pronounced or spelled in the same way but having different meanings'’ ( Collins dictionary).
When proofreading, be careful with switching vocabularies! Doing so could lead to catastrophic results.
When concentrating on the words, do not ignore the importance of punctuation marks. It is one of the most important proofreading tips for academic writing.
Watch out for commas, quotation marks, apostrophe, colon, semicolon, etc. whether or not they are used correctly.
Stop at every punctuation mark to make sure you’ve used them properly.
People usually make mistakes with the apostrophe, mixing ”their” and ”they’re”, ”your”, and ”you’re”, and ”its” and ”it’s’‘ and so on. One golden rule of proofreading: Never use an apostrophe to form plurals, such as in 3’s, do’s, don’t’s and CEO’s. The correct forms are 3s, dos, donts, and CEOs.
It is important to note that, with regard to professional proofreading or academic writing, capitalization is more than simply knowing to start names and surnames with capital letters. When it comes to proofreading, it requires more attention. Focus on the rules of capitalization is of importance for the best proofreading.
Pay attention to proper nouns, don’t forget to capitalize the names of people, places, and things that are designated as proper nouns. Check out 15 basic capitalization rules for English grammar to get more information about capitalization rules.
On your proofreading journey, Google will be one of your fellow travelers.
When you proofread, don’t neglect to look up the proper spelling of company names, product names, and titles and verify them with Google search. Verifying days, dates, and places of the events is essential, as well.
Here another useful proofreading tip: When you have finished with the proofreading, print out the paper. You may spot several errors that you have missed on the screen.
Printing out the paper also gives you the chance to look at the paper in a different medium, that is, as a hard copy rather than in an electronic format. It also allows you to correct words.
Moreover, reading aloud will allow you to spot errors. When a sentence sounds incorrect, use one of the online paraphrasing tools to proofread the sentence.
When writing or proofreading on a computer, people mostly become blind to their own mistakes because our brains mechanically fix incorrect words in our minds.
In order to break this pattern, it is essential to read the paper attentively again.
When you have finished with proofreading, it is always a good idea to have someone proofread it for you. A fresh pair of eyes will absolutely improve the outcome of your proofreading efforts and paper more brilliant than before.
Your extra pair of eyes might be your friends, your family members, co-workers, even your middle or high school students. You will be surprised at the mistakes you may have overlooked.
Best Edit & Proof expert editors and proofreaders focus on offering manuscripts with proper tone, content, and style of academic writing, and also provide an upscale editing and proofreading service for you. If you consider our pieces of advice, you will witness a notable increase in the chance for your research manuscript to be accepted by the publishers. We work together as an academic writing style guide by bestowing subject-area editing and proofreading around several categorized writing styles. With the group of our expert editors, you will always find us all set to help you identify the tone and style that your manuscript needs to get a nod from the publishers.
You can also avail of our assistance if you are looking for editors who can format your manuscript, or just check on the particular styles for the formatting task as per the guidelines provided to you, e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian styles. Best Edit & Proof editors and proofreaders provide all sorts of academic writing help, including editing and proofreading services, using our user-friendly website, and a streamlined ordering process.
Visit our order page if you want our subject-area editors or language experts to work on your manuscript to improve its tone and style and give it a perfect academic tone and style through proper editing and proofreading. The process of submitting a paper is very easy and quick. Click here to find out how it works.
Our pricing is based on the type of service you avail of here, be it editing or proofreading. We charge on the basis of the word count of your manuscript that you submit for editing and proofreading and the turnaround time it takes to get it done. If you want to get an instant price quote for your project, copy and paste your document or enter your word count into our pricing calculator.
Contact us to get support with academic editing and proofreading. We have a 24/7 active live chat mode to offer you direct support along with qualified editors to refine and furbish your manuscript.
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This handout provides nine proofreading tips and strategies for academic writing. To give you an opportunity to practice proofreading, we have left a few spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors in the text. See if you can spot them! If you spot the errors correctly, you will be entitled to a 10% discount.
How Much Do Professional Editing and Proofreading Cost?
How Much Do Proofreading and Editing Cost?
How to Choose a Dissertation Editor in 3 Steps
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Dissertation Proofreading: Four Easy-to-Follow Steps
There is always a possibility that your paper may have some errors and that you may have missed some important issues as you were intensely involved in the writing process. In finalizing your writing, it is always helpful to have it edited professionally. Hence, this phase typically demands a fresh pair of eyes to identify and correct any error you may have missed. You might be surprised at the errors an editor would detect that you may have missed. That is why English language experts always recommend that authors should not rely merely on their own improvements and corrections.
Continue ReadingThere are so many things that you should keep in mind while working on your academic and research papers. Materials, content, sources, and so on. After working so hard on your research paper, there is not much energy left to go through with editing and proofreading it. Yet, they are one of the essential parts of an academic paper that one cannot overlook. Therefore, to save you a portion of your trouble, we have come with some of the best editing and proofreading techniques to help you sail through these parts smoothly.
Continue ReadingTo err is human, and the same applies to the field of editing and proofreading. No matter how much of an expert you are or how much experience you have, you are bound to make mistakes. Especially for a field like this, where you need to be meticulous, it is natural for you to miss out on words or make some typing errors. This article is more targeted toward people who are new to editing and proofreading and want to avoid making mistakes.
Continue ReadingNo matter what anyone suggests, you should always get your work edited and proofread. That is a rule that you, as a writer, should always abide by. However, how do you choose the right editing and proofreading services? If you were to go online and search for such services, you would easily come across a dozen such service providers. But how do you recognize which one is right for your needs and which one is reliable? In this article, we will address that question and discuss a few factors that will help you choose the right editing and proofreading services.
Continue ReadingMany researchers get confused about what can or cannot be labeled as editing. There are still people who tend to confuse proofreading with editing as the same thing. However, that is not the case. Proofreading is a type of editing and falls under the process of writing. In this article, we will take the liberty to go through some of the most basic and most important types of editing that you must know of.
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