How to Ensure the Quality of Academic Writing in a Thesis and Dissertation?

Formal writing can cover everything from academic essays to a thesis or dissertation; a few fundamental rules are valid in all types of academic writing. A student can find writing in different formats boring or unbearable. With the following tips, you will start finding academic writing almost enjoyable and utterly rewarding.


How to Ensure the Quality of Academic Writing in a Thesis and Dissertation?

Introduction to Academic Writing

Formal writing can cover everything from academic essays to a thesis or dissertation; a few fundamental rules are valid in all types of academic writing. A student can find writing in different formats boring or unbearable. However you heed the basic rules of academic writing, you will no longer find academic writing overwhelming and tedious. What follows are what you should and should not do in academic writing. With the following tips, you will start finding academic writing almost enjoyable and utterly rewarding.

Tips to follow to improve your academic writing

Objective writing

When you examine the nature of academic writing, you realize that it is factual, logical, dispassionate, and accurate. Therefore, you must be impersonal while asserting facts and avoid distorting real data by introducing your personal feelings and biases.

You must pose your dissertation topic’s reading, research, and analysis impersonally and objectively. It guarantees that your efforts are acknowledged, and your theses argument are heard.

Achieving objectivity in formal writing is only possible if you

a) Resort to credible sources and extensive data to champion your arguments.

b) Shun employing slang and clichés.

c) Pen in the third person instead of the first or second person. However, an increasing trend includes using “I” and “We” in thesis and dissertation writing.

Clear writing

Clarity is a must in formal writing. The rules of academic writing suggest that the readers can readily pursue your analysis or research. You are responsible for ensuring that they can understand the presented ideas without elucidating on the paragraphs. To guarantee this, you may concentrate on the following issues.

a) Introduce a topic, a subtopic, or a new idea in a new paragraph.

b) Choose brief and simple starting sentences; state the detailed information at the end if needed.

c) Add data to support your statement in the following sentences and elaborate further on the topic.

d) Pen a linking sentence ending your current paragraph while presenting the next idea to be addressed in the subsequent section.

e) Apply this logic to your entire topic starting from the first sentence and finishing in the last.

Technical vocabulary usage

You must remember that every topic you explore comes with a specific jargon attached to it. Including it in academic papers or essays is essential to ensure readers in a particular area can follow it readily. This act renders your writing focused and accurate. On top of that, it depicts that you have adequate expertise to cover the related subject.

Resorting to the glossary of terms or nomenclature at the end of the book, article, or thesis helps you with the terminology. A particular danger is imminent and probable. Assume you utilize technical terminology inaccurately; readers may consider you an amateur.

Establishing your academic sentences

Irrespective of your target audience, too-long sentences are challenging to read. The issue becomes more relevant for scientific papers because the language must be accurate, concise, and free of grammar or spelling errors. Readers can understand you as long as you are direct. It should not mean that you cannot use long sentences. However, if your sentence exceeds three lines, it is probably too long. Formal writing tips are beneficial. Some tips follow:

a) Split long sentences into at least two parts. Moreover, check that their tenses are appropriate.

b) Shun utilizing sentence fragments. They may be applicable in informal writing but are considered unprofessional in formal writing.

c) Avoid exceedingly short sentences.

Meticulous proofreading and editing

Even if you were careful, your thesis or dissertation could be unnecessarily long, slightly contrived, or carelessly penned. However, grammar and spelling errors are not allowed or acknowledged in academic writing, even if you have limited time to prepare your thesis or dissertation. You may have exceedingly ingenious ideas. Yet, they will seem unacceptable to the readers.

It would be best if you began writing early. Then, you can have time to edit and proofread your thesis or dissertation. However, when you are overwhelmed owing to demanding classwork and other responsibilities, it can be exceedingly hard to allocate adequate time for your dissertation or thesis. The other relevant point is that you may not be able to find your mistake even if you read the dissertation repeatedly. Therefore, hiring a proofreading and editing service, which will check your thesis for clarity, wording, and objectivity, might be an excellent move.

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Academic writing in a thesis and dissertation

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Academic writing in a thesis and dissertation

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Academic writing in a thesis and dissertation

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This article explains how to ensure the quality of academic writing in a dissertation or thesis. To give you an opportunity to practice proofreading, we have left a few spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors in the text. See if you can spot them! If you spot the errors correctly, you will be entitled to a 10% discount.

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